Episode 7: No Man’s Sky, gaming’s golden age, and tales from Bear Planet

Finally, GamesMaster weighs in on No Man’s Sky and asks the big questions everyone else has been afraid to touch: How big exactly is a quintillion? Is space scary? And how many millions of tails can an alien possibly have?

Once we’ve got the biggest videogame ever all wrapped up, Matt regales us with tales of his doomed space colonies in Rimworld, we discuss the power of the NX, we sort out once and for all when gaming’s golden age took place, and more!

Download it here or on iTunes here, or subscribe to our feed here.


Episode 4: Fifa vs PES, tropical Pokémon, and the Chocolate Orange NX

In our fourth episode, we talk FIFA 17 vs PES 2017 following our extensive hands-ons with both, discuss the future of all things Nintendo, from the NX to Pokémon Sun and Moon, reveal our plans for a Terry’s Chocolate Orange-based console, and more!

Download it here or on iTunes here, or subscribe here.